Mrs.Lincoln Rocks!

Mrs.Lincoln Rocks!
"Girl Power!"

Girl Power Club Meeting Instructions

Girl Power Club Meeting


All Girls stand together in a circle and place right hand on heart and recites the Peace Pledge.

Peace Pledge:

Peace Pledge

I pledge to use my hands, MY heart, and my voice in peaceful ways to help others.

I pledge to solve conflicts without fighting and to help others do the same.

I pledge to value the differences in others.

I pledge to be peaceful at school, at home and in the world.

After the Peace Pledge is concluded, the meeting is started. One girl will take notes about the meeting to email to Mrs. Lincoln after the meeting. The meeting is called to order by the Girl Power Club leader. Roll call is made. Then the Project for the meeting is explained and the Project is then either worked on or discussed if it is to be done at another time.

Conclusion of meeting:

All Girls are to stand in a circle and hold hands and say: “I’ve got the power, Girl Power, Goddesses Inspiring Real Love Peaceful Order Warriors Encouraging Rebirth.

Then all together shout: “GIRL POWER! GIRL POWER! GIRL POWER!”

Meeting Adjourned.

 After the meeting notes are then sent to the email address of Mrs. Lincoln