Girl Power Club Permission Form
Dear Parent or Guardian,
Your child would like to join the “Girl Power” Club. Please read the information at the top of this form then please sign and return to the address on the bottom of this form by: ______________.
Girl Power club information:
Date: 2012
Location: Girl Power Club members may meet at school or each girls house in turns or scheduled times according to the group leaders.
Purpose: The Purpose of the “Girl Power” club is to encourage girls to be the best girl they can be and to create a better world for themselves and others.
Cost: Free
Special Instructions: As Mrs. Lincoln I will be emailing and communicating with the girls regularly to send information and projects for the girls to do at the meetings. We will be working on projects that will encourage the girls to be part of their communities and become strong, healthy, happy women.
Sign and Return the bottom of this Form:
Name of child: ____________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________
Phone: _____________________________
Email: ______________________________________
Name of school: __________________________________________________
Grade Level: ________________
Parent or Guardian name: _____________________________________
Mrs. Lincoln P.O. Box 13, Jasper, Ga. 30143